Froth-Pak™ 650 Insulation Spray Foam is a Class A Fire Rated two-component, quick-cure polyurethane spray foam that fills cavities, penetrations, and cracks in rim joists, roof wall junctures and around pipes and ducts up to 2” thick. Froth-Pak™ Insulation is a chemically cured polyurethane spray foam designed to significantly reduce curing time. It dispenses, expands, and becomes tack-free in seconds, saving pros time on the Jobsite.
Froth-Pak™ Professional Spray Foam continues to bring innovation to the industry with products that helps make buildings and homes more sustainable. All Froth Pak™spray foams feature a blowing agent GWP reduction of more than 99% while maintaining the performance attributes professional contractors expect. In addition to the elimination of HFC blowing agents, the new formulation features improved curing time, improved closed cell content and a reduction in overspray via the Insta-Flo™ Dispenser. This means delivering unsurpassed performance and ease of use while maintaining Froth Pak Spray Foam’s commitments to sustainability.
- A self-contained, portable kit with everything you need
- No additional gas cylinder or electricity required.
- Expands quickly to fill larger gaps and penetrations greater than 2"
- For full coverage apply up to 2” thick
- Provides a high level of insulating R-value on initial application (inactive)
- Reusable for 30 days
- Blocks air infiltration and helps to meet air change per hour (ACH) code requirements and reduce building energy costs.
Reduces the potential for moisture, mold, mildew, allergens, and rot.
- For uses in a wide range of interior and exterior industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential settings, including roof and wall junctures, wall and attic, crawlspaces and basements, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing penetrations in the building envelope.
- Bonds to wood, rigid foam, masonry, metal, drywall, and more.
- Formulation and dispensing systems are patent-pending.
- GreenCircle® Certified; LEED V4 Compliant; ICC listed.
- One-hour occupant re-entry with proper ventilation after dispensing.
- Quick 30 second cure time.
- Can be left exposed in commercial building roof/wall junctures at a maximum of 2” thick by 6” wide by unlimited length per NFPA 286 approval testing.
- Energy Star Certified.
- Anti-crossover nozzle and the ergonomic dispensing system help ensure consistent flow rate, on-ratio application, and complete dispensing of product.
- Contains no ozone-depleting chemicals or HFCs.
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